Wire Arc Metal Spray

Mabnatouss Coating Department; In Sync with the New Engineering Method

A Leader in the Field of Coating in Iran's Industries, Benefiting from Modern Technology and Equipment and Machinery

Mabnatouss Coating Department Provides the Highest Level of Quality with the Use of New Equipment and Technologies and with the Use of Modern Methods of Coating Engineering and the Level of Electric Arc Coating Services. Thermal Spraying with an Electric Arc is a Process that Feeds Two Wires at the Same Speed, and Due to their Collision, an Electric Arc is Created and Causes the Wire Material to Melt. Behind the Created Arc, a Nozzle is Installed, through which a High-Speed Air Flow is Used to Atomize the Molten Metal Particles. (the Size of the Particles Can be Changed by Air Pressure and through the Nozzle, and it Can be Changed to Coarse Particles or Infinitely Finer Particles. During the Arc Spraying Process, Air is Used Continuously and the Work Speed Can also be Changed. ). During the Spraying Process, the Sprayed Particles Have Tremendous Thermal Energy, which will Help to Spray the Particles Evenly on the Desired Surface, and the Particles, while Having Thermal Energy, are Sprayed at a High Speed and when they Collide with the Surface, they Fuse with the Layer will be output and will Create a Very Powerful Composition. Finally, these Particles will Complete the Coating Operation by Hitting the Desired Surface. During the Execution of this Process, the Following Types of Coatings can be Provided by the Mabnatouss Coating Department on the Surfaces: