Project Management

Capabilities in the Field of Project Management:

Benefiting from the Latest Standards, Procedures and Modern Guidelines in the Field of Management Project

By Managing a Comprehensive Project System Based on the ISO 2150 Standard, Mabnatouss Company Operates all Project Control Procedures in Accordance with PMBOK Guidelines. The Mabnatouss Project Management System is Based on its Mission in Order to Obtain Sufficient Guarantees in Order to Achieve the Explained Goals, the Good Implementation of Operations and the Systematization of the Project's Executive Affairs and Completion in the Designated Time. This Company is Implemented in the Integrated Implementation of Project Management Processes by Taking Advantage of the Optimal Potential in the Field of Project Management, In Relation to the Preparation and Adjustment of Scheduled Programs, and also Commits itself to the Continuous Guidance, Follow-Up and Control of the Project. Mabnatouss Company Redefined its Comprehensive Project Management Knowledge as Follows: